Cottonseed Oil
»Cottonseed Oil is the refined fixed oil obtained from the seed of cultivated plants of various varieties of Gossypium hirsutumLinnéor of other species of Gossypium(Fam.Malvaceae).
Packaging and storage
Preserve in tight,light-resistant containers,and avoid exposure to excessive heat.
Cottonseed Oil exhibits the following composition profile of fatty acids,as determined in the section Fatty Acid Composition underFats and Fixed Oils á401ñ:
Specific gravity á841ñ:
between 0.915and 0.921.
Free fatty acids á401ñ
The free fatty acids in 10.0g require for neutralization not more than 2.0mLof 0.020Nsodium hydroxide.
Iodine value á401ñ:
between 109and 120.
Heavy metals,Method IIá231ñ:
Organic volatile impurities,Method IVá467ñ:
meets the requirements.
Auxiliary Information
Staff Liaison:Catherine Sheehan,B.Sc.,Scientist
Expert Committee:(EMC)Excipients:Monograph Content
USP28NF23Page 2991
Phone Number:1-301-816-8262