Almond Oil
»Almond Oil is the fixed oil obtained by expression from the kernels of varieties of Prunus amygdalusBatsch (Fam.Rosaceae).
Packaging and storage
Preserve in tight containers.
Specific gravity á841ñ:
between 0.910and 0.915.
Foreign kernel oils
Shake vigorously 2mLwith a mixture of 1mLof fuming nitric acid and 1mLof water for 5minutes:the mixture is not more than slightly colored.
Cottonseed oil
Mix 5mLin a test tube with 5mLof a mixture of equal volumes of amyl alcohol and a 1in 100solution of sulfur in carbon disulfide,warm the mixture carefully until the carbon disulfide is expelled,and immerse the test tube to one-third of its length in a boiling,saturated solution of sodium chloride:the mixture develops no reddish color within 2hours.
Sesame oil
Mix 10mLwith 10mLof hydrochloric acid,add 0.1mLof a 1in 50solution of furfural in alcohol,and shake the mixture vigorously for 15seconds:no pink to crimson color appears in the acid layer when separate layers form.Should any color appear in the acid layer,add 10mLof water,and again shake the mixture vigorously.In the absence of sesame oil the pink color is fugitive.
Mineral oil and foreign fatty oils
Heat 10mLon a steam bath with 15mLof 4Nsodium hydroxide and 30mLof alcohol in a flask that has a small,short-stem funnel inserted in the neck,and occasionally agitate the mixture until it becomes clear.Transfer the solution to a shallow dish,evaporate the alcohol on a steam bath,and mix the residue with 100mLof water:a clear solution results (absence of mineral oil).Add an excess of hydrochloric acid to this solution,remove the layer of fatty acids that rises to the surface,wash it with warm water,clarify it by heating on a steam bath,and allow it to cool to 15
Foreign oils
One volume of the mixed fatty acids obtained in the test for Mineral oil and foreign fatty oils,when mixed with 1volume of alcohol,yields a clear solution,which at 15
Free fatty acids á401ñ
The free fatty acids in 10g require for neutralization not more than 5.0mLof 0.10Nsodium hydroxide.
Iodine value á401ñ:
between 95and 105.
Saponification value á401ñ:
between 190and 200.
Auxiliary Information
Staff Liaison:Catherine Sheehan,B.Sc.,Scientist
Expert Committee:(EMC)Excipients:Monograph Content
USP28NF23Page 2954
Phone Number:1-301-816-8262