Tartaric Acid
Butanedioic acid,2,3-dihydroxy-;Butanedioic acid,2,3-dihydroxy-,[R-(R*,R*)]-. Tartaric acid;L-(+)-Tartaric acid [526-83-0]and [87-69-4]. »Tartaric Acid,dried over phosphorus pentoxide for 3hours,contains not less than 99.7percent and not more than 100.5percent of C4H6O6.
Packaging and storage
Preserve in well-closed containers.
It responds to the tests for Tartrate á191ñ.
When ignited,it gradually decomposes,emitting an odor resembling that of burning sugar (distinction from citric acid).
Loss on drying á731ñ
Dry it over phosphorus pentoxide for 3hours:it loses not more than 0.5%of its weight.
Residue on ignition á281ñ:
not more than 0.1%.
Limit of oxalate
Nearly neutralize 10mLof a solution of it (1in 10)with 6Nammonium hydroxide,and add 10mLof calcium sulfate TS:no turbidity is produced.
Sulfate á221ñ
To 10mLof a solution (1in 100)add 3drops of hydrochloric acid and 1mLof barium chloride TS:no turbidity is produced.
Heavy metals,Method IIá231ñ:
Organic volatile impurities,Method Iá467ñ:
meets the requirements.
Place about 2g of Tartaric Acid,previously dried and accurately weighed,in a conical flask.Dissolve it in 40mLof water,add phenolphthalein TS,and titrate with 1Nsodium hydroxide VS.Each mLof 1Nsodium hydroxide is equivalent to 75.04mg of C4H6O6.
Auxiliary Information
Staff Liaison:Catherine Sheehan,B.Sc.,Scientist
Expert Committee:(EMC)Excipients:Monograph Content
USP28NF23Page 3097
Phone Number:1-301-816-8262