PEG3350and Electrolytes for Oral Solution
»PEG3350and Electrolytes for Oral Solution is a mixture of Polyethylene Glycol 3350,Sodium Bicarbonate,Sodium Chloride,Sodium Sulfate (anhydrous),and Potassium Chloride.When constituted as directed in the labeling it contains not less than 90.0percent and not more than 110.0percent of the labeled amounts of polyethylene glycol 3350,potassium (K+),sodium (Na+),bicarbonate (HCO3-),chloride (Cl-),and sulfate (SO4=),the labeled amounts per liter being 10mmol (10mEq)of potassium,125mmol (125mEq)of sodium,20mmol (20mEq)of bicarbonate,35mmol (35mEq)of chloride,and 40mmol (80mEq)of sulfate.
Packaging and storage
Preserve in tight containers.
Completeness of solution á641ñ:
meets the requirements.
The IRabsorption spectrum of a mineral oil dispersion of it in a calcium fluoride cell exhibits maxima only at the same wavelengths as that of a similar preparation of polyethylene glycol 3350.
Asolution (1in 20)responds to the tests for Sodium á191ñ,Potassium á191ñ,Bicarbonate á191ñ,Sulfate á191ñ,and Chloride á191ñ.
between 7.5and 9.5,in the solution prepared as directed in the labeling.
Uniformity of dosage units á905ñ:
meets the requirements.
Osmolarity á785ñ:
between 235and 304mOsmol,in the solution prepared as directed in the labeling.
Assay for potassium and sodium
Mobile phase
Dilute 0.5mLof nitric acid with water to obtain 4000mLof solution.Degas,and place the solution in a suitable plastic container.Make adjustments if necessary (see System Suitabilityunder Chromatography á621ñ).
Internal standard solution
Dissolve a suitable quantity of ammonium bromide in water to obtain a solution having a concentration of about 2mg per mL.
Standard preparation
To a 100-mLvolumetric flask transfer about 90mg of potassium chloride,previously dried at 105
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Assay preparation
Constitute the contents of a container of PEG3350and Electrolytes for Oral Solution with an accurately measured volume of water,as specified in the labeling.Transfer 6.0mLof this stock solution,equivalent to about 0.06mEq of potassium,to a 500-mLvolumetric flask,add 10mLof Internal standard solution,dilute with water to volume,and mix.This solution contains about 0.00012mEq of potassium and 0.0015mEq of sodium per mL.[NOTEReserve the remaining portion of the stock solution for the Assay for bicarbonate,and reserve the remaining portion of the Assay preparation for the Assay for chloride and sulfate and the Assay for polyethylene glycol 3350.]
Chromatographic system
(see Chromatography á621ñ)The liquid chromatograph is equipped with a conductivity detector,a 4-mm ×5-cm guard column containing packing L22,and a 4-mm ×30-cm analytical column maintained at 35±1
[NOTEUse peak heights where peak responses are indicated.]Separately inject equal volumes (about 10µL)of the Standard preparationand the Assay preparationinto the chromatograph,record the chromatograms,and measure the responses for the major peaks.Calculate the mEq of potassium per liter of constituted Oral Solution taken by the formula:
in which 74.55is the molecular weight of potassium chloride,Cis the concentration,in µg per mL,of potassium chloride in the Standard preparation,and RUand RSare the peak response ratios of potassium to ammonium obtained from the Assay preparationand the Standard preparation,respectively.Calculate the mEq of sodium per liter of constituted Oral Solution taken by the formula:
in which 58.44is the molecular weight of sodium chloride,Cis the concentration,in µg per mL,of sodium chloride in the Standard preparation,and RUand RSare the peak response ratios of sodium to ammonium obtained from the Assay preparationand the Standard preparation,respectively.
Assay for bicarbonate
Transfer 400.0mLof the stock solution remaining from the Assay for potassium and sodium,equivalent to about 672mg of sodium bicarbonate (8mEq),to a suitable container,add methyl red TS,and titrate with 1Nsulfuric acid VS.Calculate the mEq of bicarbonate (HCO3-)per liter of constituted Oral Solution taken by the formula:
in which VAis the volume,in mL,of 1Nsulfuric acid consumed.
Assay for chloride and sulfate
Mobile phase
Transfer 34g of boric acid,8.6g of lithium hydroxide,23.5mLof gluconic acid solution (1:1),and 125mLof glycerin to a 1000-mLvolumetric flask,dissolve in water,dilute with water to volume,and mix.Add 15mLof this buffer solution to 865mLof water,mix,and degas.Add 120mLof acetonitrile,mix,and degas.[NOTEProtect the Mobile phase from air to prevent absorption of carbon dioxide.]Make adjustments if necessary (see System Suitabilityunder Chromatography á621ñ).Increasing the proportion of buffer solution decreases the retention times of the analytes.
Internal standard solution
Dissolve a suitable quantity of ammonium bromide in water to obtain a solution having a concentration of about 2.2mg per mL.
Standard preparation
To a 100-mLvolumetric flask transfer about 246mg of sodium chloride (4.2mEq),previously dried at 105
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Assay preparation
Use the Assay preparationprepared as directed in the Assay for potassium and sodium.This solution contains about 0.042mEq of chloride and 0.096mEq of sulfate per mL.
Chromatographic system
(see Chromatography á621ñ)The liquid chromatograph is equipped with a conductivity detector,a 4-mm ×5-cm guard column containing packing L23,and a 4-mm ×30-cm analytical column maintained at 35±1
[NOTEUse peak heights where peak responses are indicated.]Separately inject equal volumes (about 10µL)of the Standard preparationand the Assay preparationinto the chromatograph,record the chromatograms,and measure the responses for the major peaks.Calculate the mEq of chloride per liter of constituted Oral Solution taken by the formula:
in which 58.44is the molecular weight of sodium chloride,Cis the concentration,in µg per mL,of sodium chloride in the Standard preparation,and RUand RSare the peak response ratios of chloride to bromide obtained from the Assay preparationand the Standard preparation,respectively.Calculate the mEq of sulfate per liter of constituted Oral Solution taken by the formula:
in which 71.02is one-half of the molecular weight of sodium sulfate,Cis the concentration,in µg per mL,of anhydrous sodium sulfate in the Standard preparation,and RUand RSare the peak response ratios of sulfate to bromide obtained from the Assay preparationand the Standard preparation,respectively.
Assay for polyethylene glycol 3350
Salt solution
Prepare a solution in water containing 0.35mg of sodium chloride,0.18mg of potassium chloride,0.40mg of sodium bicarbonate,1.37mg of anhydrous sodium sulfate,and 0.88mg of ammonium bromide per mL.
Mobile phase
Dilute 40.0mLof Salt solutionwith water to 1000mL.Make adjustments if necessary (see System Suitabilityunder Chromatography á621ñ).
Standard preparation
Transfer about 360mg of polyethylene glycol 3350,accurately weighed,to a 500-mLvolumetric flask,add 20.0mLof Salt solutionand about 250mLof water,dissolve by swirling,dilute with water to volume,and mix.This Standard preparationcontains about 0.72mg of polyethylene glycol 3350per mL.
Assay preparation
Use the Assay preparationprepared as directed in the Assay for potassium and sodium.This solution contains about 0.72mg of polyethylene glycol 3350per mL.
Chromatographic system
(see Chromatography á621ñ)[NOTEUse peak heights where peak responses are indicated.]The liquid chromatograph is equipped with a refractive index detector maintained at 34±0.5
Separately inject equal volumes (about 20µL)of the Standard preparationand the Assay preparationinto the chromatograph,record the chromatograms,and measure the responses for the major peaks.Calculate the content,in g,of polyethylene glycol 3350per liter of constituted Oral Solution taken by the formula:
in which Cis the concentration,in mg per mL,of polyethylene glycol 3350in the Standard preparation,and rUand rSare the polyethylene glycol 3350peak responses obtained from the Assay preparationand the Standard preparation,respectively.
Auxiliary Information
Staff Liaison:Karen A Russo,Ph.D.,Scientist
Expert Committee:(PA1)Pharmaceutical Analysis 1
USP28NF23Page 1575
Phone Number:1-301-816-8379