Magnesium Trisilicate
Silicic acid (H4Si3O8),magnesium salt (1:2),hydrate. Magnesium silicate hydrate (Mg2Si3O8·xH2O) [39365-87-2]. Anhydrous [14987-04-3]. »Magnesium Trisilicate is a compound of Magnesium Oxide and silicon dioxide with varying proportions of water.It contains not less than 20.0percent of magnesium oxide (MgO)and not less than 45.0percent of silicon dioxide (SiO2).
Packaging and storage
Preserve in well-closed containers.
Mix about 500mg with 10mLof 3Nhydrochloric acid,filter,and neutralize the filtrate to litmus paper with 6Nammonium hydroxide:the neutralized filtrate responds to the tests for Magnesium á191ñ.
Prepare a bead by fusing a few crystals of sodium ammonium phosphate on a platinum loop in the flame of a Bunsen burner.Place the hot,transparent bead in contact with Magnesium Trisilicate,and again fuse:silica floats about in the bead,producing,upon cooling,an opaque bead with a web-like structure.
Water,Method IIIá921ñ
Weigh accurately about 1g in a tared platinum crucible provided with a cover.Gradually apply heat to the crucible at first,then strongly ignite to constant weight:it loses between 17.0%and 34.0%of its weight.
Soluble salts
Boil 10.0g with 150mLof water for 15minutes.Cool to room temperature,allow the mixture to stand for 15minutes,filter with the aid of suction,transfer the filtrate to a 200-mLvolumetric flask,dilute with water to volume,and mix.Evaporate 50.0mLof this solution,representing 2.5g of the Trisilicate,in a tared platinum dish to dryness,and ignite gently to constant weight:the weight of the residue does not exceed 38.0mg (1.5%).
Chloride á221ñ
A20-mLportion of the diluted filtrate prepared in the test for Soluble salts,representing 1g of Magnesium Trisilicate,shows no more chloride than corresponds to 0.75mLof 0.020Nhydrochloric acid (0.055%).
Treat the residue obtained in the test for Soluble saltswith 2mLof hydrofluoric acid,and evaporate on a steam bath to dryness.Mix the residue with water,transfer to a filter,and wash,using approximately 50mLof water for the complete procedure.Heat the filtrate to boiling,and add 0.1mLof hydrochloric acid and 5mLof barium chloride TS.Maintain the mixture near its boiling point for 1hour,filter,wash the precipitate thoroughly with water,dry,and ignite to constant weight:the weight of the residue does not exceed 30mg (0.5%).
Free alkali
Add 2drops of phenolphthalein TSto 20mLof the diluted filtrate prepared in the test for Soluble salts,representing 1g of the Trisilicate:if a pink color is produced,not more than 1.0mLof 0.10Nhydrochloric acid is required to discharge it.
Arsenic,Method Iá211ñ:
Heavy metals á231ñ
Boil 2.67g with a mixture of 50mLof water and 5mLof hydrochloric acid for 20minutes,adding water to maintain the volume during the boiling.Add ammonium hydroxide until the mixture is only slightly acid to litmus paper.Filter with the aid of suction,and wash with 15to 20mLof water,combining the washing with the original filtrate.Add 2drops of phenolphthalein TS,then add a slight excess of 6Nammonium hydroxide.Discharge the pink color with dilute hydrochloric acid (1in 100),then add 8mLof dilute hydrochloric acid (1in 100).Dilute with water to 100mL,and use 25mLof the solution for the test:the limit is 0.003%.
Acid-consuming capacity
Weigh accurately about 200mg into a glass-stoppered,125-mLconical flask.Add 30.0mLof 0.1Nhydrochloric acid VSand 20.0mLof water.Place the flask in a bath maintained at 37
Assay for magnesium oxide
Weigh accurately about 1.5g,and transfer to a 250-mLconical flask.Add 50.0mLof 1Nsulfuric acid VS,and digest on a steam bath for 1hour.Cool to room temperature,add methyl orange TS,and titrate the excess acid with 1Nsodium hydroxide VS.Each mLof 1Nsulfuric acid is equivalent to 20.15mg of MgO.
Assay for silicon dioxide
Transfer about 700mg of Magnesium Trisilicate,accurately weighed,to a small platinum dish.Add 10mLof 1Nsulfuric acid,and heat on a steam bath to dryness,leaving the dish uncovered.Treat the residue with 25mLof water,and digest on a steam bath for 15minutes.Decant the supernatant through an ashless filter paper,with the aid of suction,and wash the residue,by decantation,three times with hot water,passing the washings through the filter paper.Finally transfer the residue to the filter,and wash thoroughly with hot water.Transfer the filter paper and its contents to the platinum dish previously used.Heat to dryness,incinerate,ignite strongly for 30minutes,cool,and weigh.Moisten the residue with water,and add 6mLof hydrofluoric acid and 3drops of sulfuric acid.Evaporate to dryness,ignite for 5minutes,cool,and weigh:the loss in weight represents the weight of SiO2.
Ratio of SiO2to MgO
Divide the percentage of SiO2obtained in the Assay for silicon dioxideby the percentage of MgOobtained in the Assay for magnesium oxide:the quotient obtained is between 2.10and 2.37.
Auxiliary Information
Staff Liaison:Elena Gonikberg,Ph.D.,Scientist
Expert Committee:(PA4)Pharmaceutical Analysis 4
USP28NF23Page 1176
Phone Number:1-301-816-8251