Polyoxyl Stearyl Ether
Polyethylene glycol monostearyl ether [9005-00-9]. »Polyoxyl Stearyl Ether is a mixture of the monostearyl ethers of mixed polyethylene glycols,the average polymer length being equivalent to not less than 2and not more than 20oxyethylene units (nominal value).It may contain various amounts of free stearyl alcohol and some free polyethylene glycol.
Packaging and storage
Preserve in tight containers,and store in a cool,dry place.
Label it to indicate the average nominal number of oxyethylene units.
Appearance of solution
Dissolve 5.0g of Polyoxyl Stearyl Ether in 50.0mLof alcohol.The solution is not more intensely colored than a solution prepared immediately before use by mixing 12.0mLof ferric chloride CS,5.0mLof cobaltous chloride CS,and 2.0mLof cupric sulfate CSwith dilute hydrochloric acid (10g per L)to make 50.0mL,and diluting 12.5mLof this solution with dilute hydrochloric acid (10g per L)to make 100.0mL.Make the comparison by viewing the substance and the solution downward in matched color-comparison tubes against a white surface (seeColor and Achromicity á631ñ).
A:Infrared Absorption á197Fñ
Use a thin film of melted test specimen.
Dissolve or disperse 0.1g in alcohol,add 10mLof diluted hydrochloric acid,5mLof barium chloride TS,and 10mLof phosphomolybdic acid solution (1in 10):a precipitate is formed.
Acid value á401ñ:
not more than 1.0,determined on 5.0g.
Hydroxyl value á401ñ:
within the ranges specified in the table below.
Iodine value á401ñ:
not more than 2.0.
Saponification value á401ñ:
not more than 3.0,determined on 10.0g.
Dissolve 2.0g of Polyoxyl Stearyl Ether in a hot mixture of 10mLof alcohol and 10mLof water.Add 0.05mLof bromothymol blue TS,and titrate with 0.1Nhydrochloric acid to a yellow endpoint:not more than 0.5mLof 0.1Nhydrochloric acid is required.
Water,Method Iá921ñ:
not more than 3.0%.
Limit of free ethylene oxide and dioxane
[CautionEthylene oxide is toxic and flammable.Prepare these solutions in a well-ventilated fume hood,using great care.Protect both hands and face by wearing polyethylene protective gloves and an appropriate face mask.Store all solutions in hermetic containers,and refrigerate at a temperature between 4
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Acetaldehyde solution
Prepare a solution of acetaldehyde in water,containing a known concentration of about 10µg per mL.[NOTEPrepare theAcetaldehyde solution fresh just prior to use.]
Ethylene oxide stock solution
Fill a chilled pressure bottle with liquid ethylene oxide,and store in a freezer when not in use.Use a small piece of polyethylene film to protect the liquid from contact with the rubber gasket.Tare a glass-stoppered conical flask,add about 50mLof Polyethylene Glycol 200,and reweigh the flask.Transfer about 5mLof the liquid ethylene oxide to a 100-mLbeaker chilled in a mixture of sodium chloride and wet ice (1:3).Using a gas-tight syringe that has been previously cooled to 10
Ethylene oxide solution
Tare a glass-stoppered conical flask,and chill it in a refrigerator.Add about 35mLof Polyethylene Glycol 200,and reweigh the flask.Using a gas-tight gas chromatographic syringe that has been chilled in a refrigerator,transfer about 1g of the chilledEthylene oxide stock solution,accurately weighed,to the tared,conical flask.Adjust the weight of the solution with Polyethylene Glycol 200to 50.0g,replace the stopper,and swirl gently to mix.Transfer about 10g of this solution,accurately weighed,to a 50-mLvolumetric flask.Add 30mLof water,and mix.Dilute with water to volume,and mix to obtain a solution containing about 10µg of ethylene oxide per mL.[NOTEPrepare this solution fresh just prior to use,and store in a refrigerator.]
Dioxane solution
Dissolve about 1.0g of dioxane,accurately weighed,in water,and dilute quantitatively,and stepwise if necessary,with water to obtain a solution having a known concentration of about 0.5mg of dioxane per mL.
Standard solution A
Transfer 0.1mLofEthylene oxide solution to a 10-mLpressure headspace vial,add 0.1mLofAcetaldehyde solution and 0.1mLofDioxane solution,seal the vial,and mix.
Standard solution B
Transfer about 1.0g of the substance under test,accurately weighed,to another 10-mLpressure headspace vial,add 0.1mLofEthylene oxide solution,0.1mLofDioxane solution,and 1.0mLof N,N-dimethylacetamide.Seal the vial,and mix.
Test solution
Transfer about 1.0g of the substance under test,accurately weighed,to a 10-mLpressure headspace vial,add 1.0mLof N,N-dimethylacetamide and 0.2mLof water,seal the vial,and mix.
Chromatographic system(see Chromatography á621ñ)
[NOTEThe use of a headspace apparatus that automatically transfers a measured amount of headspace is allowed.]The gas chromatograph is equipped with a flame-ionization detector,maintained at about 250
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Using a heated,gas-tight gas chromatographic syringe,separately inject equal volumes (about 1mL)of the gaseous headspace ofStandard solution Band theTest solution into the chromatograph,record the chromatograms,and measure the areas for the major peaks:the mean areas of the ethylene oxide and dioxane peaks in the chromatogram obtained from theTest solution are not greater than half the mean areas of the corresponding peaks in the chromatogram obtained fromStandard solution B.Calculate the concentration of ethylene oxide,in µg per g,in the portion of the substance under test taken by the formula:
in whichAis the quantity,in µg,of ethylene oxide added toStandard solution B;rUandrSare the ethylene oxide peak responses obtained from theTest solution andStandard solution B,respectively;andWUandWSare the weights,in g,of the substance under test taken to prepare theTest solution andStandard solution B,respectively:not more than 1µg per g is found.
Calculate the concentration of dioxane,in µg per g,in the portion of the substance under test taken by the formula:
in whichADis the amount,in µg,of dioxane added toStandard solution B;rUandrSare the dioxane peak responses obtained from theTest solution andStandard solution B,respectively;andWUandWSare as defined above:not more than 10µg per g is found.
Auxiliary Information
Staff Liaison:Elena Gonikberg,Ph.D.,Scientist
Expert Committee:(EMC)Excipients:Monograph Content
USP28NF23Page 3062
Pharmacopeial Forum:Volume No.30(2)Page 605
Phone Number:1-301-816-8251