CHEMICAL RESISTANCEGLASS CONTAINERS The following tests are designed to determine the resistance to water attack of new (not previously used)glass containers.The degree of attack is determined by the amount of alkali released from the glass under the influence of the attacking medium under the conditions specified.This quantity of alkali is extremely small in the case of the more resistant glasses,thus calling for particular attention to all details of the tests and the use of apparatus of high quality and precision.The tests should be conducted in an area relatively free from fumes and excessive dust.
Glass Types
Glass containers suitable for packaging Pharmacopeial preparations may be classified as in Table 2on the basis of the tests set forth in this section.Containers of Type Iborosilicate glass are generally used for preparations that are intended for parenteral administration.Containers of Type Iglass,or of Type IIglass (i.e.,soda-lime glass that is suitably dealkalized)are usually used for packaging acidic and neutral parenteral preparations.Type Iglass containers,or Type IIglass containers (where stability data demonstrate their suitability),are used for alkaline parenteral preparations.Type IIIsoda-lime glass containers usually are not used for parenteral preparations,except where suitable stability test data indicate that Type IIIglass is satisfactory for the parenteral preparations that are packaged therein.Containers of Type NPglass are intended for packaging nonparenteral articles,i.e.,those intended for oral or topical use.
Table 2.Glass Types and Test Limits
For these tests,use an autoclave capable of maintaining a temperature of 121±2.0
Mortar and Pestle
Use a hardened-steel mortar and pestle,made according to the specifications in the accompanying illustration.
Special Mortar and Pestle for Pulverizing Glass2
Other Equipment
Also required are 20.3-cm (8-inch)sieves made of stainless steel including the Nos.20,40,and 50sieves along with the pan and cover (see Sizes of Standard Sieve Series in Range of Interestunder Particle Size Distribution Estimation by Analytical Sieving á786ñ),250-mLconical flasks made of resistant glass aged as specified,a 900-g (2-lb)hammer,a permanent magnet,a desiccator,and an adequate volumetric apparatus.
High-Purity Water
The water used in these tests has a conductivity at 25
Methyl Red Solution
Dissolve 24mg of methyl red sodium in Purified Waterto make 100mL.If necessary,neutralize the solution with 0.02Nsodium hydroxide or acidify it with 0.02Nsulfuric acid so that the titration of 100mLof High-Purity Water,containing 5drops of indicator,does not require more than 0.020mLof 0.020Nsodium hydroxide to effect the color change of the indicator,which should occur at a pHof 5.6.
Powdered Glass Test
Rinse thoroughly with Purified Water6or more containers selected at random,and dry them with a current of clean,dry air.Crush the containers into fragments about 25mm in size,divide about 100g of the coarsely crushed glass into three approximately equal portions,and place one of the portions in the special mortar.With the pestle in place,crush the glass further by striking 3or 4blows with the hammer.Nest the sieves,and empty the mortar into the No.20sieve.Repeat the operation on each of the two remaining portions of glass,emptying the mortar each time into the No.20sieve.Shake the sieves for a short time,then remove the glass from the Nos.20and 40sieves,and again crush and sieve as before.Repeat again this crushing and sieving operation.Empty the receiving pan,reassemble the nest of sieves,and shake by mechanical means for 5minutes or by hand for an equivalent length of time.Transfer the portion retained on the No.50sieve,which should weigh in excess of 10g,to a closed container,and store in a desiccator until used for the test.
Spread the specimen on a piece of glazed paper,and pass a magnet through it to remove particles of iron that may be introduced during the crushing.Transfer the specimen to a 250-mLconical flask of resistant glass,and wash it with six 30-mLportions of acetone,swirling each time for about 30seconds and carefully decanting the acetone.After washing,the specimen should be free from agglomerations of glass powder,and the surface of the grains should be practically free from adhering fine particles.Dry the flask and contents for 20minutes at 140
Transfer 10.00g of the prepared specimen,accurately weighed,to a 250-mLconical flask that has been digested (aged)previously with High-Purity Waterin a bath at 90
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Water Attack at 121
![]() Rinse thoroughly 3or more containers,selected at random,twice with High-Purity Water.
Fill each container to 90%of its overflow capacity with High-Purity Water,and proceed as directed for Procedureunder Powdered Glass Test,beginning with Cap all flasks,except that the time of autoclaving shall be 60minutes instead of 30minutes,and ending with to prevent the formation of a vacuum.Empty the contents from 1or more containers into a 100-mLgraduated cylinder,combining,in the case of smaller containers,the contents of several containers to obtain a volume of 100mL.Place the pooled specimen in a 250-mLconical flask of resistant glass,add 5drops of Methyl Red Solution,and titrate,while warm,with 0.020Nsulfuric acid.Complete the titration within 60minutes after opening the autoclave.Record the volume of 0.020Nsulfuric acid used,corrected for a blank obtained by titrating 100mLof High-Purity Waterat the same temperature and with the same amount of indicator.The volume does not exceed that indicated in Table 2for the type of glass concerned.
Arsenic á211ñ
Use as the Test Preparation35mLof the water from one Type Iglass container or,in the case of smaller containers,35mLof the combined contents of several Type Iglass containers,prepared as directed for Procedureunder Water Attack at 121
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