Yeast Extract
—Awater-soluble,peptone-like derivative of yeast cells (Saccharomyces)prepared under optimum conditions,clarified,and dried to a reddish-yellow to brown powder,having a characteristic but not putrescent odor.Soluble in water,forming a yellow to brown solution,having a slightly acid reaction.Contains no added carbohydrate.One g represents not less than 7.5g of yeast.
Loss on drying á731ñ Dry it at 105to constant weight:it loses not more than 5%of its weight.
Residue on ignition— Ignite 500mg with 1mLof sulfuric acid:the residue weighs not more than 75mg (15%).
Coagulable protein— Heat a filtered solution (1in 20)to boiling:no precipitate is formed.
Chloride(Reagent test)— It shows not more than 5%of Cl,calculated as sodium chloride.
Nitrogen content(Reagent test)— Determine by the Kjeldahl method,using a test specimen previously dried at 105to constant weight:between 7.2%and 9.5%of Nis found.
Microbial content— It meets the requirements of the test for Microbial contentunder Pancreatic Digest of Casein.

Yellow Mercuric Oxide
—See Mercuric Oxide,Yellow.