Belladonna Leaf
»Belladonna Leaf consists of the dried leaf and flowering or fruiting top of Atropa belladonnaLinnéor of its variety acuminataRoyle ex Lindley (Fam.Solanaceae).Belladonna Leaf yields not less than 0.35percent of the alkaloids of belladonna leaf.
Packaging and storage
Preserve in well-closed containers and avoid long exposure to direct sunlight.Preserve powdered Belladonna Leaf in light-resistant containers.
USP Reference standards á11ñ
USP Atropine Sulfate RS.USP Homatropine Hydrobromide RS.USP Scopolamine Hydrobromide RS.
Botanic characteristics
Belladonna Leaf
Usually partly matted together,crumpled or broken leaves,together with some smaller stems and a number of flowers and fruits.The leaves are thin and brittle,mostly light green to moderate olive-green.The lamina is mostly from 5to 25cm in length and from 4to 12cm in width and possesses an ovate-lanceolate to broadly ovate outline,an acute to acuminate apex,an entire margin,an acute to somewhat decurrent base and slightly hairy surface,the hairs being more abundant along the veins;when broken transversely,it shows numerous light-colored dots (crystal cells)visible with a lens.The petiole is slender and usually up to 4cm in length.The flowers possess a campanulate corolla with 5small,reflexed lobes,purplish to yellowish purple,becoming faded to brown or dusky yellow or yellow,a green,5-lobed calyx,5epipetalous stamens,and a superior,bilocular ovary with numerous ovules.The fruit is subglobular,dark yellow to yellowish brown to dusky red or black,up to about 12mm in width and sometimes subtended by the persistent calyx and containing numerous flattened,somewhat reniform seeds,the latter up to about 2mm in width.The stems are more or less flattened and hollow and finely hairy when young.
The epidermis of the lamina possesses wavy anticlinal walls and a distinctly striated cuticle.Stomata are more numerous in the lower epidermis and are surrounded by 3or 4neighboring cells,one of which is smaller than the others.The nonglandular hairs are uniseriate and up to 6-celled.Short club-shaped glandular hairs with a 1-celled stalk and multicellular head and long glandular hairs with a uniseriate stalk and unicellular head occur on both epidermises.The mesophyll consists of a single layer of palisade parenchyma beneath which occurs spongy parenchyma,the latter with scattered cells filled with microcrystals.The midrib contains an arc of bicollateral bundles,collenchyma beneath upper epidermis,and scattered parenchyma cells with microcrystals.Stem:The stem shows an epidermis with striated cuticle and few hairs,a distinct endodermis,small strands of long,thin-walled,slightly lignified pericyclic fibers,and a circle of bicollateral bundles.The parenchyma of the cortex and pith is interspersed with crystal cells.Flower:The calyx possesses numerous glandular hairs with uniseriate stalks and 1-to 3-celled glandular heads.The corolla shows a papillose inner epidermis and an outer epidermis with glandular hairs similar to those of the calyx.The pollen grains,when mounted in chloral hydrate solution,are subspherical,about 40µm in diameter,tricolpate,having 3germinal furrows and rows of pits between the ridges on the exine.Fruit:The epicarp exhibits polygonal epidermal cells with a striated cuticle and stomata.The mesocarp consists of large pulp cells some of which contain rosette aggregate crystals of calcium oxalate.Seed:The seed is characterized by an epidermis of large,wavy-walled cells with prominent ridges over the anticlinal walls.
Powdered Belladonna Leaf
Light olive-brown to moderate olive-green in color.The following are among the elements of identification:the separate microcrystals,the dark gray crystal cells,the cuticular striping of the epidermal cells,the vessels with ellipsoidal bordered pits,the fibers of the stem,and occasional hairs and pollen grains.Rosette aggregates of calcium oxalate and fragments of the seed occur when the drug contains belladonna fruits.Examine Belladonna Leaf for hairs having a papillose cuticle and for raphides of calcium oxalate:their presence indicates adulteration.
Acid-insoluble ash á561ñ:
not more than 3.0%.
Belladonna stems
The proportion of belladonna stems over 10mm in diameter does not exceed 3.0%.
pH9.5Phosphate buffer,Internal standard solution,Standard preparation,Extraction blank,Standard curve,Chromatographic system,and System suitability
Proceed as directed in the Assayunder Belladonna Extract.
Assay preparation
Moisten 10g,previously reduced to a moderately coarse powder and accurately weighed,with a mixture of 8mLof ammonium hydroxide,10mLof alcohol,and 20mLof ether,and extract the alkaloids by either of the methods given in the following two paragraphs.If necessary,reduce the volume of the extract to 100mLby evaporation on a steam bath.
Place the moistened drug in a continuous-extraction thimble,and allow maceration to proceed overnight,then extract with ether for 3hours,or longer if necessary to effect complete extraction.
Place the moistened drug in a small percolator,and allow maceration to proceed overnight.Percolate slowly with a mixture of 3volumes of ether and 1volume of chloroform.Continue the percolation until the residue from 3to 4mLof percolate last passed,when dissolved in dilute sulfuric acid (1in 70)and treated with mercuric iodide TS,shows not more than a faint turbidity.
Transfer the extract to a separator with the aid of ether.Extract with five 15-mLportions of dilute sulfuric acid (1in 70),filtering each portion drawn off into a 100-mLvolumetric flask.Wash the filter with dilute sulfuric acid (1in 70),and collect the washings in the flask.Add dilute sulfuric acid (1in 70)to volume,and mix.Dilute 20.0mLof the resulting solution with the same dilute acid to 100.0mL.
Pipet 10mLof this solution into a 60-mLseparator.To the separator add 1.0mLof Internal standard solution,then add 15mLof chloroform,shake vigorously,allow the layers to separate,and discard the chloroform layer.(If emulsions are formed,a mixed solventconsisting of chloroform-isopropyl alcohol (10:3)may be substituted for chloroform throughout the extraction procedure.)Add another 15mLof chloroform,and extract again,discarding the chloroform phase.Add 15mLof pH9.5Phosphate bufferand sufficient 1Nsodium hydroxide to yield a final pHbetween 9.0and 9.5.Add 15mLof chloroform,shake vigorously,and allow the layers to separate.Filter the organic phase through 10g of anhydrous sodium sulfate (see Sodium Sulfate,Anhydrous,in the section Reagent Specifications),previously washed with chloroform and supported in a funnel with a small pledget of glass wool,into a suitable container.Extract again with two 15-mLportions of chloroform,again collecting the clarified organic phase.Wash the sodium sulfate and the tip of the funnel with 5mLof chloroform.Evaporate the combined organic phases under reduced pressure,at a temperature below 45
Record from the Standard curvesthe quantities,in mg,of atropine and scopolamine in the weight of the specimen taken.Proceed as directed for Procedurein the Assayunder Belladonna Extract,through the next-to-the-last sentence.Add the quantity,in mg,of atropine and scopolamine,and multiply by 50to obtain the weight,in mg,of alkaloids in the portion of Belladonna Leaf taken.
Auxiliary Information
Staff Liaison:Gabriel I.Giancaspro,Ph.D.,Senior Scientist and Latin American Specialist
Expert Committee:(DSB)Dietary Supplements:Botanicals
USP28NF23Page 222
Phone Number:1-301-816-8343