Glucagon for Injection
»Glucagon for Injection is a mixture of the hydrochloride of Glucagon with one or more suitable dry diluents.It contains not less than 80.0percent and not more than 125.0percent of the labeled amount of glucagon (C153H225N43O49S).
Constituted solution
At the time of use,it meets the requirements for Constituted Solutionsunder Injections á1ñ.
Bacterial endotoxins á85ñ
It contains not more than 125.0USP Endotoxin Units per mg of glucagon.
pHand Clarity of solution
Dissolve it in the solvent and in the concentration recommended in the labeling:the pHof the solution is between 1.7and 3.0,and the solution is clear.
Other requirements
Both Glucagon for Injection and the accompanying solvent meet the requirements for Sterility Tests á71ñand Labelingunder Injections á1ñ.Glucagon for Injection meets the requirements under Uniformity of Dosage Units á905ñ.
Proceed as directed for the Assayin Glucagon.The potency is not less than 80.0%and not more than 125.0%of the labeled amount of glucagon,and the confidence interval width at P=0.95does not exceed 45%of the computed potency.Repeat the Assayif the confidence interval width exceeds 45%of the computed potency or if the potency is less than 80.0%or more than 125.0%of the labeled amount of glucagon.
Auxiliary Information
Staff Liaison:Larry N.Callahan,Ph.D.,Scientist
Expert Committee:(BNT)Biotechnology and Natural Therapeutics/Diagnostics
USP28NF23Page 908
Phone Number:1-301-816-8385