Bright red,crystalline powder.Is somewhat hygroscopic and is affected by light and by heat.Soluble in water at 10
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White to pale yellow,crystalline powder.Melts at about 225
White or creamy white,crystalline powder.Is odorless and has a slightly bitter taste.Very slightly soluble in water;freely soluble in alcohol;soluble in acetone and in dilute mineral acids.
Daunorubicin Hydrochloride:
Orange-red,crystalline,hygroscopic powder.Freely soluble in water and in methanol;slightly soluble in alcohol;very slightly soluble in chloroform;practically insoluble in acetone.
Deferoxamine Mesylate:
White to off-white powder.Freely soluble in water;slightly soluble in methanol.
Dehydrocholic Acid:
White,fluffy,odorless powder,having a bitter taste.Practically insoluble in water;soluble in glacial acetic acid and in solutions of alkali hydroxides and carbonates;slightly soluble in alcohol and in ether;sparingly soluble in chloroform (the solutions in alcohol and in chloroform usually are slightly turbid).
Demecarium Bromide:
White or slightly yellow,slightly hygroscopic,crystalline powder.Freely soluble in water and in alcohol;soluble in ether;sparingly soluble in acetone.
Yellow,crystalline,odorless powder,having a bitter taste.Sparingly soluble in water;soluble in alcohol.Dissolves readily in 3Nhydrochloric acid and in alkaline solutions.
Demeclocycline Hydrochloride:
Yellow,crystalline,odorless powder,having a bitter taste.Sparingly soluble in water and in solutions of alkali hydroxides and carbonates;slightly soluble in alcohol;practically insoluble in acetone and in chloroform.
Denatonium Benzoate:
Freely soluble in water and in alcohol;very soluble in chloroform and in methanol;very slightly soluble in ether.NFcategory:Alcohol denaturant.
Desipramine Hydrochloride:
White to off-white,crystalline powder.Melts at about 213
White to practically white,odorless,crystalline powder.Insoluble in water;freely soluble in alcohol,in acetone,and in chloroform.
Desoxycorticosterone Acetate:
White or creamy white,crystalline powder.Is odorless,and is stable in air.Practically insoluble in water;sparingly soluble in alcohol,in acetone,and in dioxane;slightly soluble in vegetable oils.
White to practically white,odorless,crystalline powder.Is stable in air.Melts at about 250
Dexamethasone Acetate:
Clear,white to off-white,odorless powder.Practically insoluble in water;freely soluble in methanol,in acetone,and in dioxane.
Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate:
White or slightly yellow,crystalline powder.Is odorless or has a slight odor of alcohol,and is exceedingly hygroscopic.Freely soluble in water;slightly soluble in alcohol;very slightly soluble in dioxane;insoluble in chloroform and in ether.
Dexbrompheniramine Maleate:
White,odorless,crystalline powder.Exists in two polymorphic forms,one melting between 106
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Dexchlorpheniramine Maleate:
White,odorless,crystalline powder.Freely soluble in water;soluble in alcohol and in chloroform;slightly soluble in benzene and in ether.
Clear,viscous,somewhat hygroscopic liquid,having a slight,characteristic odor.Some crystallization may occur on standing.Freely soluble in water,in alcohol,in methanol,and in propylene glycol;soluble in chloroform and in ether;slightly soluble in glycerin.
Dextran 1:
Awhite to off-white powder.Is hygroscopic.Very soluble in water;sparingly soluble in alcohol.
Free-flowing,porous,white,odorless,spherical granules consisting of aggregates of microcrystals,having a sweet taste and producing a cooling sensation in the mouth.May be compressed directly into self-binding tablets.Freely soluble in water (heating increases its solubility in water);soluble in dilute acids and alkalies and in basic organic solvents such as pyridine;insoluble in the common organic solvents.NFcategory:Sweetening agent;tablet and/or capsule diluent.
Free-flowing,white,yellow,or brown powder.Its solubility in water varies;it is usually very soluble,but often contains an insoluble portion.
Dextroamphetamine Sulfate:
White,odorless,crystalline powder.Soluble in water;slightly soluble in alcohol;insoluble in ether.
Practically white to slightly yellow,odorless,crystalline powder.Eleven mg of Dextromethorphan is equivalent to 15mg of dextromethorphan hydrobromide monohydrate.Practically insoluble in water;freely soluble in chloroform.
Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide:
Practically white crystals or crystalline powder,having a faint odor.Melts at about 126
Colorless crystals or white,crystalline or granular powder.Is odorless,and has a sweet taste.Freely soluble in water;very soluble in boiling water;soluble in boiling alcohol;slightly soluble in alcohol.NFcategory:Sweetening agent;tonicity agent.
Dextrose Excipient:
Colorless crystals or white,crystalline or granular powder.Is odorless and sweet-tasting.Freely soluble in water;very soluble in boiling water;sparingly soluble in boiling alcohol;slightly soluble in alcohol.NFcategory:Sweetening agent;tablet and/or capsule diluent.
Diacetylated Monoglycerides:
Clear liquid.Very soluble in 80%(w/w)aqueous alcohol,in vegetable oils,and in mineral oils;sparingly soluble in 70%alcohol.NFcategory:Plasticizer.
Diatrizoate Meglumine:
White,odorless powder.Freely soluble in water.
Diatrizoate Meglumine Injection:
Clear,colorless to pale yellow,slightly viscous liquid.
Diatrizoate Meglumine and Diatrizoate Sodium Injection:
Clear,colorless to pale yellow,slightly viscous liquid.May crystallize at room temperature or below.
Diatrizoate Sodium:
White,odorless powder.Soluble in water;slightly soluble in alcohol;practically insoluble in acetone and in ether.
Diatrizoate Sodium Injection:
Clear,colorless to pale yellow,slightly viscous liquid.
Diatrizoate Sodium Solution:
Clear,pale yellow to light brown liquid.
Diatrizoic Acid:
White,odorless powder.Very slightly soluble in water and in alcohol;soluble in dimethylformamide and in alkali hydroxide solutions.
Off-white to yellow,practically odorless,crystalline powder.Practically insoluble in water;freely soluble in chloroform;soluble in alcohol.
White or cream-white crystals or crystalline powder.Practically insoluble to sparingly soluble in water and in most organic solvents;very soluble in strong alkaline solutions;freely soluble in dimethylformamide.
White to off-white powder,having a slight,characteristic odor.Darkens on exposure to light.Slightly soluble in water;soluble in 1Nhydrochloric acid and in ether.
Dibucaine Hydrochloride:
Colorless or white to off-white crystals or white to off-white,crystalline powder.Is odorless,is somewhat hygroscopic,and darkens on exposure to light.Its solutions have a pHof about 5.5.Freely soluble in water,in alcohol,in acetone,and in chloroform.
Dibutyl Phthalate:
Aclear,oily liquid,colorless or very slightly yellow.Practically insoluble in water;miscible with alcohol and with ether.
Dibutyl Sebacate:
Colorless,oily liquid of very mild odor.Soluble in alcohol,in isopropyl alcohol,and in mineral oil;very slightly soluble in propylene glycol;practically insoluble in water and in glycerin.NFcategory:Plasticizer.
White,microcrystalline powder.Has a slight odor characteristic of chloral hydrate.Decomposed by dilute alkali,liberating chloroform.Freely soluble in water,in alcohol,and in chloroform;soluble in dilute acids.
Clear,colorless gas,having a faint,ethereal odor.Its vapor pressure at 25
Clear,colorless gas,having a faint,ethereal odor.Its vapor pressure at 25
Diclofenac Sodium:
White to off-white,hygroscopic,crystalline powder.Melts at about 284
Dicloxacillin Sodium:
White to off-white,crystalline powder.Freely soluble in water.
Dicyclomine Hydrochloride:
Fine,white,crystalline powder.Is practically odorless and has a very bitter taste.Soluble in water;freely soluble in alcohol and in chloroform;very slightly soluble in ether.
Dicyclomine Hydrochloride Injection:
Colorless solution,which may have the odor of a preservative.
Colorless,white or practically white,needle-like crystals,or white or practically white,crystalline powder.Is odorless.Practically insoluble in water;soluble in alcohol,in acetone,in ether,in methanol,in propylene glycol,and in solutions of alkali hydroxides;slightly soluble in chloroform and in fatty oils.
White or clear,colorless crystals,deliquescing in moist air;or colorless liquid.Miscible with water,with alcohol,with acetone,with chloroform,and with glycerin.Slightly soluble to insoluble in benzene,in ether,and in petroleum ether.NFcategory:Alkalizing agent;emulsifying and/or solubilizing agent.
Diethylcarbamazine Citrate:
White,crystalline powder.Melts at about 136
Diethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether:
Clear,colorless liquid.Is hygroscopic.Miscible with water,with acetone,and with alcohol;partially miscible with vegetable oils;immiscible with mineral oils.Specific gravity about 0.991.NFcategory:Ointment base;solvent.
Diethylene Glycol Stearates:
White or almost white,waxy solid.Soluble in acetone and in hot alcohol;practically insoluble in water.NFcategory:Emulsifying and/or solubilizing agent.
Diethyl Phthalate:
Colorless,practically odorless,oily liquid.Insoluble in water.Miscible with alcohol,with ether,and with other usual organic solvents.NFcategory:Plasticizer.
Diethylpropion Hydrochloride:
White to off-white,fine crystalline powder.Is odorless,or has a slight characteristic odor.It melts at about 175
White,odorless,crystalline powder.Practically insoluble in water;soluble in alcohol,in chloroform,in ether,in fatty oils,and in dilute alkali hydroxides.
Diethylstilbestrol Diphosphate:
Off-white,odorless,crystalline powder.Sparingly soluble in water;soluble in alcohol and in dilute alkali.
Diethylstilbestrol Diphosphate Injection:
Colorless to light,straw-colored liquid.
Colorless liquid,having a faint,pleasant odor.Boils at about 111
Diflorasone Diacetate:
White to pale yellow,crystalline powder.Insoluble in water;soluble in methanol and in acetone;sparingly soluble in ethyl acetate;slightly soluble in toluene;very slightly soluble in ether.
White to off-white,practically odorless powder.Freely soluble in alcohol and in methanol;soluble in acetone and in ethyl acetate;slightly soluble in chloroform,in carbon tetrachloride,and in methylene chloride;insoluble in hexane and in water.
White or pale buff,odorless,microcrystalline powder.Practically insoluble in water;sparingly soluble in chloroform;slightly soluble in alcohol;very slightly soluble in ether.
Clear to white,odorless crystals or white,odorless crystalline powder.Practically insoluble in water and in ether;freely soluble in pyridine;slightly soluble in diluted alcohol and in chloroform.
Dihydroergotamine Mesylate:
White to slightly yellowish powder,or off-white to faintly red powder,having a faint odor.Slightly soluble in water and in chloroform;soluble in alcohol.
Dihydrostreptomycin Sulfate:
White or almost white,amorphous or crystalline powder.Amorphous form is hygroscopic.Freely soluble in water;practically insoluble in acetone,in chloroform,and in methanol.
Colorless or white,odorless crystals,or white,odorless,crystalline powder.Practically insoluble in water;soluble in alcohol;freely soluble in ether and in chloroform;sparingly soluble in vegetable oils.
White to off-white crystalline powder.The monomeric form is freely soluble in water,in alcohol,and in ether.The dimeric form is freely soluble in water;soluble in alcohol;and sparingly soluble in ether.
Dihydroxyaluminum Aminoacetate:
White,odorless powder having a faintly sweet taste.Insoluble in water and in organic solvents;soluble in dilute mineral acids and in solutions of fixed alkalies.
Dihydroxyaluminum Aminoacetate Magma:
White,viscous suspension,from which small amounts of water may separate on standing.
Dihydroxyaluminum Sodium Carbonate:
Fine,white,odorless powder.Practically insoluble in water and in organic solvents;soluble in dilute mineral acids with the evolution of carbon dioxide.
Diloxanide Furoate:
White or almost white,crystalline powder.Freely soluble in chloroform;slightly soluble in alcohol and in ether;very slightly soluble in water.
Diltiazem Hydrochloride:
White,odorless,crystalline powder or small crystals.Freely soluble in chloroform,in formic acid,in methanol,and in water;sparingly soluble in dehydrated alcohol;insoluble in ether.Melts at about 210
White,crystalline,odorless powder.Slightly soluble in water;freely soluble in alcohol and in chloroform;sparingly soluble in ether.
Colorless or practically colorless liquid,having a disagreeable,mercaptan-like odor.Soluble in water,in alcohol,in benzyl benzoate,and in methanol.
Dimercaprol Injection:
Yellow,viscous solution having a pungent,disagreeable odor.Specific gravity is about 0.978.
Aclear,colorless,and odorless liquid.Insoluble in water,in methanol,in alcohol,and in acetone;very slightly soluble in isopropyl alcohol;soluble in chlorinated hydrocarbons,in benzene,in toluene,in xylene,in n-hexane,in petroleum spirits,in ether,and in amyl acetate.
Dimethyl Sulfoxide:
Clear,colorless,odorless,hygroscopic liquid.Melts at about 18.4
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White to off-white,crystalline powder.Freely soluble in acetone,in alcohol,in ether,in ethyl acetate,in isopropyl alcohol,in methanol,and in methylene chloride;soluble in toluene and in diisopropyl ether;practically insoluble in hexanes.
Dinoprost Tromethamine:
White to off-white,crystalline powder.Very soluble in water;freely soluble in dimethylformamide;soluble in methanol;slightly soluble in chloroform.
Yellow powder.Practically insoluble in water;freely soluble in alcohol and in toluene.
Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride:
White,odorless,crystalline powder.Slowly darkens on exposure to light.Its solutions are practically neutral to litmus.Freely soluble in water,in alcohol,and in chloroform;sparingly soluble in acetone;very slightly soluble in benzene and in ether.
Diphenoxylate Hydrochloride:
White,odorless,crystalline powder.Its saturated solution has a pHof about 3.3.Slightly soluble in water and in isopropanol;freely soluble in chloroform;soluble in methanol;sparingly soluble in alcohol and in acetone;practically insoluble in ether and in solvent hexane.
Diphtheria Toxin for Schick Test:
Transparent liquid.
Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids Adsorbed:
Turbid,and white,slightly gray,or slightly pink suspension,free from evident clumps after shaking.
Dipivefrin Hydrochloride:
White,crystalline powder or small crystals,having a faint odor.Very soluble in water.
Intensely yellow,crystalline powder or needles.Very soluble in methanol,in alcohol,and in chloroform;slightly soluble in water;very slightly soluble in acetone and in ethyl acetate.
White or practically white powder.Very slightly soluble in water;very soluble in methanol and in methylene chloride.
Disopyramide Phosphate:
White or practically white,odorless powder.Melts at about 205
White to off-white,odorless,crystalline powder.Very slightly soluble in water;soluble in acetone,in alcohol,in carbon disulfide,and in chloroform.
Dobutamine Hydrochloride:
White to practically white,crystalline powder.Sparingly soluble in water and in methanol;soluble in alcohol and in pyridine.
Docusate Calcium:
White,amorphous solid,having the characteristic odor of octyl alcohol.It is free of the odor of other solvents.Very slightly soluble in water;very soluble in alcohol,in polyethylene glycol 400,and in corn oil.
Docusate Potassium:
White,amorphous solid,having a characteristic odor suggestive of octyl alcohol.Sparingly soluble in water;very soluble in solvent hexane;soluble in alcohol and in glycerin.
Docusate Sodium:
White,wax-like,plastic solid,having a characteristic odor suggestive of octyl alcohol,but no odor of other solvents.Sparingly soluble in water;very soluble in solvent hexane;freely soluble in alcohol and in glycerin.NFcategory:Wetting and/or solubilizing agent.
Dolasetron Mesylate:
White to off-white powder.Freely soluble in water and in propylene glycol;slightly soluble in alcohol and in saline TS.
Dopamine Hydrochloride:
White to off-white,crystalline powder.May have a slight odor of hydrochloric acid.Melts at about 240
Dorzolamide Hydrochloride:
White to off-white,crystalline powder.Soluble in water.
Doxapram Hydrochloride:
White to off-white,odorless,crystalline powder.Melts at about 220
Doxorubicin Hydrochloride:
Red-orange,hygroscopic,crystalline powder.Soluble in water,in isotonic sodium chloride solution,and in methanol;practically insoluble in chloroform,in ether,and in other organic solvents.
Yellow,crystalline powder.Very slightly soluble in water;freely soluble in dilute acid and in alkali hydroxide solutions;sparingly soluble in alcohol;practically insoluble in chloroform and in ether.
Doxycycline Hyclate:
Yellow,crystalline powder.Soluble in water and in solutions of alkali hydroxides and carbonates;slightly soluble in alcohol;practically insoluble in chloroform and in ether.
Doxylamine Succinate:
White or creamy white powder,having a characteristic odor.Very soluble in water and in alcohol;freely soluble in chloroform;very slightly soluble in ether and in benzene.
White to light tan,amorphous or microcrystalline powder.Practically insoluble in water;freely soluble in chloroform;slightly soluble in alcohol and in ether.Melts at about 145
Absorbable Dusting Powder:
White,odorless powder.
Dyclonine Hydrochloride:
White crystals or white crystalline powder,which may have a slight odor.Exhibits local anesthetic properties when placed upon the tongue.Soluble in water,in acetone,in alcohol,and in chloroform.
White to pale yellow,crystalline powder.Practically insoluble in water;sparingly soluble in alcohol.
White,odorless,extremely bitter,amorphous or crystalline solid.Freely soluble in water;sparingly soluble in alcohol and in chloroform;practically insoluble in ether.